Gif with animation for detecting biases and vague language in a vacancy text with our software

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Inclusive writing software for recruiters and hiring managers



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OTYS makes vacancies more effective in a tight labour market
Rotterdam, 5 October 2021
The shortage on the labour market cannot have escaped anyone's notice. And the ongoing debate for more diverse and inclusive teams is also a hot topic among recruitment agencies and employers. In order to both cope with the shortage and to stimulate diversity, OTYS Recruiting Technology has entered into a partnership with CorTexter, supplier of analytical software that raises vacancy texts to a higher level.

According to Miguel van Bodegom, CEO of CorTexter, the key to finding candidates in this difficult candidate market is data-driven, objective recruitment: "CorTexter makes recruitment data-driven by supporting the recruiter with data analysis and AI to make better decisions. The recruiter always remains in the lead.

"Our software acts as a digital assistant for recruiters and hiring managers," he explains. "This software identifies unconscious bias in vacancy texts and offers suggestions on how to eliminate it. So it literally removes a line through prejudice in job ads. This way every candidate can feel welcome. Bert Konings, CEO of OTYS, adds: "Also for improved findability, attractiveness and complexity of the vacancy text, the software makes concrete proposals. That concreteness is what makes CorTexter fit in with the DNA of OTYS."

The partnership arose from a shared belief that recruiters are very knowledgeable, but like everyone else, have a blind spot. "It is almost impossible to write barrier-free job ads without help; almost every text contains bias and unclear language," says Miguel. He is referring to the many different types of bias that can be a barrier to applying, such as gender bias, cultural bias and age bias. "Bias in job adverts can be a deterrent and close the door on applicants from different backgrounds. Moreover, diversity in personnel leads to 86% better decisions and 9% more turnover. So paying attention to diversity in recruitment is of strategic importance. Bert: "And finding candidates, you have to put more effort into that these days. The seamless integration of CorTexter's Bias Detector software in OTYS brings this optimisation of vacancies within reach of all our users."
+31 (0)10 333 0473

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